Charity belongs to Freemasonry like the ritual and the accompanying harmony within our Brotherhood. Our Charity activities are dedicated towards kindergarten, orphanages, schools with handicapped children, … and this now for many decades. In 2012, the Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany has donated EUR 16,400 towards the Royal College of Surgeons in England, which was only possible due to the individual activities of our 16 Private lodges.

Charity – no doubt – plays an important role in Freemasonry in general and in each and every Lodge in particular. Since his Initiation, every Freemason is aware that he is expected to be a charitable individual. But it is up to each individual what he contributes depending on his personal situation.

Brethren and friends of British Freemasons in Germany are requested to dig deep in their pockets and support every single Charity – the recipient will be most thankful. Please note that NO FEES (administrative) will be charged, that means every single donation will flow 100% towards its destination.

Thank you for your support.

Sincerely yours,

Peter Appleson

Deputy Grand Master in charge (GL BFG)

Chris Bilson

Grand Charity Steward (GL BFG)

Few examples of Charity activities


Paul-Moor-Schule, Mönchengladbach


Brennessel e.V. (Berufsgruppe gegen sexuelle Gewalt an Kindern), Celle