Building a better Society. One Brother at a time
The Grand Lodge of British Freemasonry in Germany (GL BFG) carries a rich tradition of Freemasonry, fostering fellowship and personal growth for well over 60 years.
The Grand Lodge of British Freemasonry in Germany
The Grand Lodge of British Freemasonry in Germany (GL BFG) has a rich history dating back to 1957, when the first lodge was established in Düsseldorf. The GL BFG is a unique entity, part of the wider United Grand Lodges of Germany while also boasting a truly international membership.

What is Freemasonry?

Become a Freemason!
Who we are?
The Grand Lodge of British Freemasonry in Germany (GL BFG) carries a rich tradition of Freemasonry, fostering fellowship, personal growth, and charitable works for over 60 years.
What you Need to Know?
Freemasonry is a multicultural organization. Members of all races and faiths are welcome to join.
With 19 lodges spread across the country, the GL BFG plays a role in communities throughout Germany. The concentration of lodges in North West Germany reflects the presence of British forces following World War II.
We are a innovative Grand Lodge within the worldwide freemasonry community and our coat of arms ties our Grand Lodge into this community.
Most Worshipful Brother Gary Wormald
Grand Master
A warm welcome to you all to the website of the Grand Lodge of British Freemasonry in Germany. We are an extremely unique organisation that has no political or religious afiliations and are made up of members of all ages, races, religions, cultures, and backgrounds.
We meet in lodges throughout Germany, where we continue with traditions that encourage us to be tolerant, respectful and to fulfil our community and charitable responsibilities. We hope to attract men from all walks of life and backgrounds, inspiring them to develop and challenge themselves, to enable them to aspire to their full potential in their private and public lives.
Freemasonry can be seen as a way of personal growth and self improvement developed from following lessons like integrity, charity and respect learnt from within the lodge. It provides an opportunity to become involved in our local communities and supporting charitable causes. It also provides a sense of belonging and gives the opportunity to form true and lasting friendships.
If you would like to know more, please feel free to get in touch, via the website, and ask any questions you may have. I would encourage you to make that first step.
The GLBFG's Commitment to Charitable Giving
Our charitable activities are driven by the individual efforts of our 19 lodges spread across the country.
Charity Efforts — Doric Lodge
We were delighted to learn of your generous donation to our self-help group. We are so surprised and very happy about it. Thank you very much for your great support!
List Of Member Lodges
New Albion Lodge
27 Eißendorfer Straße
Hamburg 21073
(Previoulsy New Absalom Gütersloh)
Saxony Lodge
Magnusstraße 2a
29221 Celle
Britannia Lodge
Lessingstraße 3
33604 Bielefeld
Phoenix Lodge
Heerstr. 28
14052 Berlin
Anglo Hanseatic
Welckerstraße 8
20354 Hamburg
Star of Saxony
Stadtwald Straße 35a
41179 Mönchengladbach
Keys of Münster
Diepenbrockstr. 30
48145 Münster
Beaver Lodge
Rosskampffsgasse 1
59494 Soest
Doric Lodge
An der Katherinkirche 3
49074 Osnabrück
Bond of Friendship Lodge
Bonn Dyroffstr. 2
53113 Bonn
Lodge Niederrhein
Uhlandstr. 42
40237 Düsseldorf
Lodge Bridge of Fellowship
Logenhaus, Lemfoerder Str. 7,
30169 Hannover.
Lodge Neuhaus
Im Dörener Feld 27
33100 Paderborn
Southern Star
München Schwanthaler Str. 60/V
80336 München
Thistle & Saltire
Logenhaus der GNM 3WK
Heerstraße 28
14052 Berlin
Kurt Tucholsky Lodge
Diepenbockstr. 30
48145 Münster
The Rose of Minden
Logenplatz 2-4
32052 Herford
Kaiserstraße 37
60329 Frankfurt am Main