Thank You

Dear Brethren All, Many thanks to all of you who attended the Half Annual Communication! YOUR attendance made it that little bit more special! The Empty Chair Ceremony, we carried out for the 100 years memorial of the Armistice, remembering all of the fallen, from which ever Country or Creed, was well received. Again, thank YOU!

Keys of Münster 881 set to restart!

Keys of Münster 881 are set to have their first meeting in October after handing in their Warrant in December 2017. The Warrant will be returned over before the meeting opens. I am sure we all wish them the very best of fortune!

GL-BFG to Support Medecins sans frontieres / Ärzte ohne Grenzen

Grand Lodge will be donating funds to assist Medecins sans frontieres / Ärzte ohne Grenzen Doctors who are assisting resident Doctors in Rafina to treat those who suffered burns during the recent Fires. If you would like to support our efforts, please contact your Lodge Secretary or Charity Steward, or simply transfer Funds to the Grand Lodge Charity Account stating “Fire victims in Greece”. THANKS IN AVDANCE!

Reminder: Member’s Area Access

Hello Member of GLBFG,
This message is to remind you that we are keeping a collection of digital documents in our Member’s area. This collection includes —but is not limited to— the GL Regulations, 2018’s yearbook, and some summonses from Lodges within our GL.

You need a password to get to the member’s area. You can request a password via your secretary which in turn should communicate with the Grand Secretary. You will understand this process is a must and any request made directly to the webmaster will be ignored.

I am more than happy to receive requests to put up useful documents and summonses in the Member’s area.



Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master VGLvD

Great News! The reigning Grand Master and Deputy Grand Master of the United Grand Lodges of Germany, Christoph Bosbach and Bernd Brauer, have been nominated unanimously by the Senate to remain in office for a further Term. The Vote will take place at the Konvent in Berlin in October, and I hope all Lodges have registered their representative to vote!

A short reminder about our Guestbook


Please keep in mind that the guestbook is not intended to be a contact form. Also, It is not a medium for you to request information.

For request of information about lodges, summons, or any other content related to freemasonry please contact your secretary or the Grand Secretary.

For comments or requests regarding the webpage, please contact me directly via the contact form or via the webmaster’s email, which you can find in the yearbook 2018.

You can get a yearbook from your secretary or you can download an electronic copy on the Members area.

Offensive comments will be immediately deleted.

Call for Papers – Quatuor Coronati

Dear members,

Find below a message from Martin Papenheim, member of Lodge Niederrhein:

Call for Papers

I greet you well. I am pleased to send you a call for papers for the forthcoming conference of Quatuor Coronati Germany in March 2019. The topic will be “British and Anglo-American Freemasonry in the German speaking countries”,  and I really hope that many of the members of our Grand Lodges will participate. There are so many among us (as you!), who know a lot about the history, the structure, the rituals, and the other activities  of this kind of freemasonry.

So please distribute this call for papers, and don’t hesitate to contact me, if you have any brother in mind, who would like to participate and whom I should contact personally.


Martin Papenheim
Deputy Master
Quatuor Coronati Lodge 808 GC, Bayreuth

Documents and Events

Hello members,

I added the installation dates of each lodge for the next 12 months, you can see the information in the Events section. Additionally, you can find the GL regulations and billets from Thistle & Saltire 1040.

I look forward to receive more information from you to publish on the page!

Welcome to the GLBFG’s New Page

Members of GLBFG,
I am happy to share with you the redesigned GLBFG page. With the new website, it will be easier to communicate the mission and spirit of the GL and Freemasonry.

We are also starting a blog which can only succeed with your participation and engagement. We encourage you to send content you would like to publish on the blog via your Sec and GSec.

Note that the page now works on phones, tablets, and desktop computers alike.