Yara is five years old and has many dreams. Her dreams and long-term goals are that she can support her head, sit, stand, or even run. Dolphin AID can help Yaras spasticity to loosen and build self-belief to help her on her way.
Dolphin AID is not free nor is it cheap. A 5 figure sum is needed in order to send Yara for therapy along with her closest family.
As Yara is part of the SCHAKI family she is fully dersiving of this trip as unfortunatly time is against her due to her illness. To that end DORIC lodge has paid for her flight ticket (€500) to Curacao as and when time allows. Flights for the rest of the family amount to €2890, therapy €15000, hotels €4000 plus any other costs.
Below is an extract from an E-Mail with Marc, (Yaras father pictured above)“…ja, das wird hoffentlich wirklich super. Am Mittwoch kommt Yara endlich aus der Reha nach Hause, 6 Monate gehen zu Ende. Im Mai kommt dann noch die OP an der Hüfte… Wir hoffen sehr, dass die Delfin Therapie so gut ist, wie alle sagen. Das Gute ist: es sagen wirklich alle, die schon mal da waren, dass es richtig gut ist und die Kinder dort in sehr kurzer Zeit einen großen Schritt nach vorne machen….”VIELEN LIEBEN DANK AN EUCH ALLE!
“… yes, it will hopefully be really great. On Wednesday Yara will finally come home from rehab, 6 months will come to an end. In May, the operation on the hip will come … We very much hope that the dolphin therapy will be so good is, as everyone says. The good thing is: everyone who has already been there really says that it is really good and that the children there take a big step forward in a very short time.
None of these charity donations would have been made possible without the generous donation from Phoenix Lodge 847 in Berlin. Thank you.